Muscle-Tendon Personalization
This tool is used to personalize the muscle-tendon properties of a model to the subject-specific data provided.
How It Works
MTP uses EMG-driven modeling to personalize muscle-tendon properties. The following properties are optimized:
- Electromechanical delay
- Activation time constant
- Activation nonlinearity constant
- EMG scale factor
- Optimal fiber length
- Tendon slack length
- Synergy Weights and Commands (if using SynX)
Cost Terms
There are a series of cost terms that can be used to facilitate the personalization. They are listed here by the name of the cost term as it is passed in the <type>
element of an <RCNLCostTerm>
in an XML settings file.
- inverse_dynamic_joint_moment - how closely the experimental joint moments should be tracked
- activation_time_constant - how closely this term should match the
- activation_nonlinearity_constant - how closely this term should match the
- optimal_muscle_fiber_length - how closely the activation time constant should match the
- tendon_slack_length - how closely the activation time constant should match the
- emg_scale_factor - how closely the activation time constant should match the
- normalized_muscle_fiber_length - how much this term can deviate from the initial value
- passive_muscle_force - how much passive muscle force is allowed for the motion
- grouped_normalized_muscle_fiber_length - how much deviation from the mean value of the group is allowed
- grouped_emg_scale_factor - how much deviation from the mean value of the group is allowed
- grouped_electromechanical_delay - how much deviation from the mean value of the group is allowed
- muscle_excitation_penalty - a penalty for muscle excitations above a certain level
Additional Notes
Muscle-Tendon Length Initialization
Muscle-Tendon Length Initialization is normally done before MTP to give realistic tendon slack length and optimal fiber lengths for MTP to use. This feature has its own page.
Synergy Extrapolation
Information about Synergy Extrapolation can be found on its own page.
Group Muscles
Grouped muscles are groups of muscles defined in the .osim file (under <ForceSet>
) that are anatomically grouped by one of:
- Normalized Fiber Length
- EMG Scale Factor
- Electromechanical Delay
Examples of this can be found in the examples of the NMSM Pipeline.