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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function checks the version of the settings file and the tool name
% to ensure the XML file is compatible with the current version of the
% pipeline. If the XML file is not compatible, the function will return an
% error.
% (struct) -> ()
% returns nothing or throws and error if incompatible version

function verifyVersion(settingsTree, toolName)
if ~isfield(settingsTree, "NMSMPipelineDocument")
throw(MException('verifyVersion:invalidSettingsFile', ...
strcat("Settings file is not a valid NMSM Pipeline settings file. ", ...
"The XML file is not an <NMSMPipelineDocument>")))
settingsFileVersion = convertCharsToStrings( ...
sections = settingsFileVersion.split('.');
softwareSections = getPipelineVersion().split('.');
if isempty(sections)
throw(MException('verifyVersion:invalidSettingsFile', ...
'Cannot find version number in settings file.'))
if length(sections) == 1
sections(2) = 0;
if sections(1) ~= softwareSections(1)
throw(MException('verifyVersion:invalidSettingsFile', ...
strcat("Settings file is not compatible with this version of the NMSM Pipeline.", ...
" Software version: ", getPipelineVersion(), ...
" Settings file version: ", settingsFileVersion, ...
" For the latest version of the NMSM Pipeline, please visit")))
if sections(2) ~= softwareSections(2)
warning(strcat("Settings file may not be compatible with this version of the NMSM Pipeline.", ...
" Software version: ", getPipelineVersion(), ...
" Settings file version: ", settingsFileVersion, ...
" For the latest version of the NMSM Pipeline, please visit"))
if ~isfield(settingsTree.NMSMPipelineDocument, toolName)
throw(MException('verifyVersion:invalidSettingsFile', ...
strcat("The " + toolName + ...
" is being used with a settings file that does not contain a <" ...
+ toolName + "> element.")))