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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function extracts the data of an OpenSim Storage object loaded from
% a .mot file to a vector of column names, a time column, and a 2D MATLAB
% array containing data converted to radians if necessary, using a Model to
% analyze coordinates. The organization is column major. I.E. output(0,:)
% is the first column of the Storage (not including the time column).
% (Model, Storage) -> (Array of string, Array of double, ...
% 2D Array of double)
% Extracts components from .mot Storage object.

function [columnNames, time, data] = parseMotToComponents(model, storage)
import org.opensim.modeling.ArrayDouble

columnNames = getStorageColumnNames(storage);
time = findTimeColumn(storage);
coordinates = model.getCoordinateSet();

nRow = storage.getSize();
isInDegrees = storage.isInDegrees();

data = zeros(length(columnNames), nRow);
col = ArrayDouble();
for i=1:length(columnNames)
storage.getDataColumn(i-1, col);
data(i, :) = arrayDoubleToDoubleArray(col);
if (isInDegrees && coordinates.get(columnNames(i)). ...
getMotionType().toString().toCharArray()' == "Rotational")
data(i, :) = deg2rad(data(i, :));