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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function produces a template with basic GCP result information.
% The function addGcpContactSurface() should be used after to add contact
% surfaces and springs
% (string, string, number, number, number) -> (struct)
% Prints a generic template for an osimx file

function osimx = buildMtpOsimxTemplate(modelName, osimModelFileName)

osimx = buildOsimxTemplate(modelName, osimModelFileName);

osimx.NMSMPipelineDocument.OsimxModel.RCNLMuscleSet.Comment = ...
'Optimized muscle parameters';
osimx.NMSMPipelineDocument.OsimxModel.RCNLMuscleSet = '';
