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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% Computes up to 7th degree polynomial plus Fourier fitted values given
% polynomial and Fourier coefficients saved in a column vector, as found by
% polyFourierCoefs.m. This function is intended to by vectorized.
% (Array of double, double, Array of double, double, logical)
% -> (Array of double)
% Computes polynomial and Fourier fitted values from coefficients.

function fit = polyFourierCurves(coefs,f,t,degree,derivs)

% Calculate frequency in radians/second
w = 2*pi*f;

% Calculate cosine and sine harmonic arrays

ncoefs = size(coefs,1);
nharmonics = (ncoefs-(degree+1))/2;

npts = size(t,1);

% Calculate y

a = zeros(npts,ncoefs);

switch degree

case 0
a(:,1) = 1.0;

case 1
a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;

case 2
t2 = t.*t;

a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;
a(:,3) = t2;

case 3
t2 = t.*t;
t3 = t2.*t;

a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;
a(:,3) = t2;
a(:,4) = t3;

case 4
t2 = t.*t;
t3 = t2.*t;
t4 = t3.*t;

a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;
a(:,3) = t2;
a(:,4) = t3;
a(:,5) = t4;

case 5
t2 = t.*t;
t3 = t2.*t;
t4 = t3.*t;
t5 = t4.*t;

a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;
a(:,3) = t2;
a(:,4) = t3;
a(:,5) = t4;
a(:,6) = t5;

case 6
t2 = t.*t;
t3 = t2.*t;
t4 = t3.*t;
t5 = t4.*t;
t6 = t5.*t;

a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;
a(:,3) = t2;
a(:,4) = t3;
a(:,5) = t4;
a(:,6) = t5;
a(:,7) = t6;

case 7
t2 = t.*t;
t3 = t2.*t;
t4 = t3.*t;
t5 = t4.*t;
t6 = t5.*t;
t7 = t6.*t;

a(:,1) = 1.0;
a(:,2) = t;
a(:,3) = t2;
a(:,4) = t3;
a(:,5) = t4;
a(:,6) = t5;
a(:,7) = t6;
a(:,8) = t7;

disp('Illegal polynomial degree')


col = degree+2;

for i = 1:nharmonics
iw = i*w;

a(:,col) = cos(iw.*t);
col = col+1;

a(:,col) = sin(iw.*t);
col = col+1;

y = a*coefs;

% Check derivatives flag

if ~derivs
fit = y;

% Calculate yp

ap = zeros(npts,ncoefs);

switch degree

case 0
ap(:,1) = 0.0;

case 1
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;

case 2
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;
ap(:,3) = 2*t;

case 3
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;
ap(:,3) = 2*t;
ap(:,4) = 3*t2;

case 4
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;
ap(:,3) = 2*t;
ap(:,4) = 3*t2;
ap(:,5) = 4*t3;

case 5
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;
ap(:,3) = 2*t;
ap(:,4) = 3*t2;
ap(:,5) = 4*t3;
ap(:,6) = 5*t4;

case 6
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;
ap(:,3) = 2*t;
ap(:,4) = 3*t2;
ap(:,5) = 4*t3;
ap(:,6) = 5*t4;
ap(:,7) = 6*t5;

case 7
ap(:,1) = 0.0;
ap(:,2) = 1;
ap(:,3) = 2*t;
ap(:,4) = 3*t2;
ap(:,5) = 4*t3;
ap(:,6) = 5*t4;
ap(:,7) = 6*t5;
ap(:,8) = 7*t6;

disp('Illegal polynomial degree')


col = degree+2;

for i = 1:nharmonics
iw = i*w;

ap(:,col) = -iw*sin(iw.*t);
col = col+1;

ap(:,col) = iw*cos(iw.*t);
col = col+1;

yp = ap*coefs;

% Calculate ypp

app = zeros(npts,ncoefs);

switch degree

case 0
app(:,1) = 0.0;

case 1
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;

case 2
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;
app(:,3) = 2;

case 3
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;
app(:,3) = 2;
app(:,4) = 6*t;

case 4
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;
app(:,3) = 2;
app(:,4) = 6*t;
app(:,5) = 12*t2;

case 5
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;
app(:,3) = 2;
app(:,4) = 6*t;
app(:,5) = 12*t2;
app(:,6) = 20*t3;

case 6
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;
app(:,3) = 2;
app(:,4) = 6*t;
app(:,5) = 12*t2;
app(:,6) = 20*t3;
app(:,7) = 30*t3;

case 7
app(:,1) = 0.0;
app(:,2) = 0.0;
app(:,3) = 2;
app(:,4) = 6*t;
app(:,5) = 12*t2;
app(:,6) = 20*t3;
app(:,7) = 30*t3;
app(:,8) = 42*t3;

disp('Illegal polynomial degree')


col = degree+2;

w2 = w*w;

for i = 1:nharmonics
iw = i*w;
i2 = i*i;
i2w2 = i2*w2;

app(:,col) = -i2w2*cos(iw.*t);
col = col+1;

app(:,col) = -i2w2*sin(iw.*t);
col = col+1;

ypp = app*coefs;

% Store results

fit = [y yp ypp];
