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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% Calculates polynomial and Fourier coefficients to fit input data. t is
% the independent variable, with associated data y.
% Inputs: f - frequency in Hz
% degree - polynomial degree (0 through 7)
% nharmonics - number of Fourier harmonics
% This function assumes that t = tStart to tEnd defines one cycle
% of periodic or nonperiodic data.
% (Array of double, Array of double, double, double, double)
% -> (Array of double)
% Fit data with polynomial and Fourier coefficients.

function coefs = polyFourierCoefs(t,y,f,degree,nharmonics)

% Function to calculate polynomial plus Fourier coefficients
% to fit the specified (t,y) input data.
% Inputs: t - indepdendent variable
% y - dependent variable
% f - frequency in Hz
% degree - polynomial degree (0 through 7)
% nharmonics - number of Fourier harmonics
% This function assumes that t = tStart to tEnd defines one cycle
% of periodic or nonperiodic data.

% Calculate frequency in radians/second
w = 2*pi*f;

% Allocate memory for linear least squares matrix and vectors.

ncoefs = 2*nharmonics+(degree+1);
npts = size(t,1); % Use last point, even if slightly nonperiodic
time = t(1:npts,1);

A = zeros(npts,ncoefs);
x = zeros(ncoefs,1);
b = zeros(npts,1);

% Fill in the first columns of the A matrix based on the polynomial degree.

switch degree

case 0
A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);

case 1
A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;

case 2
time2 = time.*time;

A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;
A(:,3) = time2;

case 3
time2 = time.*time;
time3 = time2.*time;

A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;
A(:,3) = time2;
A(:,4) = time3;

case 4
time2 = time.*time;
time3 = time2.*time;
time4 = time3.*time;

A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;
A(:,3) = time2;
A(:,4) = time3;
A(:,5) = time4;

case 5
time2 = time.*time;
time3 = time2.*time;
time4 = time3.*time;
time5 = time4.*time;

A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;
A(:,3) = time2;
A(:,4) = time3;
A(:,5) = time4;
A(:,6) = time5;

case 6
time2 = time.*time;
time3 = time2.*time;
time4 = time3.*time;
time5 = time4.*time;
time6 = time5.*time;

A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;
A(:,3) = time2;
A(:,4) = time3;
A(:,5) = time4;
A(:,6) = time5;
A(:,7) = time6;

case 7
time2 = time.*time;
time3 = time2.*time;
time4 = time3.*time;
time5 = time4.*time;
time6 = time5.*time;
time7 = time6.*time;

A(:,1) = ones(npts,1);
A(:,2) = time;
A(:,3) = time2;
A(:,4) = time3;
A(:,5) = time4;
A(:,6) = time5;
A(:,7) = time6;
A(:,8) = time7;

disp('Illegal polynomial degree')


% Fill in the remaining columns of the A matrix with harmonics one at a
% time.

col = degree+2;

for i = 1:nharmonics
A(:,col) = cos(i*w*time);
col = col+1;

A(:,col) = sin(i*w*time);
col = col+1;

% Fill in the b vector with data.

b = y(1:npts,1);

% Solve for the unknown coefficients via linear least squares.

x = A\b;

% Assign output polynomial and Fourier coefficients.

coefs = x;
