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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% Calculates the number of B-spline nodes required to fit data with an
% equivalent lowpass cutoff frequency. The number of nodes selected is the
% maximum of the number of nodes required to represent each column with the
% given filter cutoff.
% (Array of double, Array of double, struct) -> (double)
% Calculates the number of nodes required to spline-fit data.

function nNodes = calcNumBsplNodesFromCutoffFreq(time, data, params)

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% Define non-adjusted parameters
allowError = 1; % in percent - 10% used in Schleicher and Biloti (2008)
fourierDegree = 1; % add a linear polynomial to the Fourier fitting process
% to create a periodic function artificially
nNodes = 10; % starting guess - should work well for >= one movement cycle

% Reshape time series data
time = time';
curves = data';

% Extract relevant parameters
fCutoff = params.fCutoff;
splineDegree = params.splineDegree;
plotFlag = params.plotFlag;

% fprintf('The specified cutoff frequency is %d Hz\n', fCutoff);

% Calculate sampling frequency from time vector containing
% truncated time values
% Estimating the sampling frequency with a larger number of frames
% minimizes the risk of calculating the true sampling frequency incorrectly
nFrames = length(time);

if nFrames > 100
fSample = round(1/(time(11,1)-time(1,1)))*10;
fSample = round(10/(time(end,1)-time(1,1)))*10;

% Recalculate time vector based on correct sampling frequency to
% correct truncation errors in time vector
dt = 1/fSample;
time = linspace(0,(nFrames-1)*dt,nFrames)';

% Cycle through all curves to find the number of B-spline nodes
% that reproduces all Fourier coefficients to within 10% error
nCurves = size(curves,2);
curvesSpl = zeros(nFrames,nCurves);
maxErrors = zeros(1,nCurves);
maxError = 100;

% fprintf('Optimal number of B-spline nodes being found for %d curves\n',...
% nCurves);

while maxError > allowError

% Increment number of nodes
nNodes = nNodes+1;

% Define Fourier fitting parameters
fFund = 1/time(end,1); % define fundamental frequency based on final
% time
nHarmonics = round(fCutoff/fFund); % find closest number of harmonics
% for selected cutoff frequency

% Cycle through curves and calculate percent errors
for i = 1:nCurves

% Extract current curve
curve = curves(:,i);

% Fit current curve using Fourier series + a linear term
coefsOrig = polyFourierCoefs(time,curve,fFund,fourierDegree,...

% Fit the original function with a B-spline
[curveSpl,~,~] = BsplineFit(time,curve,splineDegree,nNodes);

% Fourier-fit the B-spline fit to calculate the Fourier
% coefficients for comparison
coefsSpl = polyFourierCoefs(time,curveSpl,fFund,fourierDegree,...

% Calculate percent error in each Fourier coefficient relative to
% the largest absolute coefficient value
% Also make the maximum value non-zero in case a flat curve = 0 is
% being fitted
% Omit checking the first two coefficients since they define
% the linear term
coefsMax = max(max(abs(coefsOrig(3:end,1))),1e-8);
percentErrors = abs((coefsSpl(3:end,1)-coefsOrig(3:end,1))/...

% Calculate maximum error in all Fourier coefficients for current
% curve
maxErrors(1,i) = max(percentErrors);

% Store B-spline fitted curve
curvesSpl(:,i) = curveSpl;


% Calculate maximum error across all fitted curves
maxError = max(maxErrors);

% fprintf('maxError = %3.2f for %d nodes\n', maxError, nNodes);


% fprintf('The optimal number of B-spline nodes is %d\n', nNodes);

% Generate comparison plots if desired
if plotFlag

for i = 1:nCurves

% Extract current curve
curve = curves(:,i);

% Fourier fit original curve with linear term added
coefsOrig = polyFourierCoefs(time,curve,fFund,fourierDegree,...
curveFou = polyFourierCurves(coefsOrig,fFund,time,fourierDegree,0);

% Lowpass filter original curve using a 4th order zero phase lag
% Butterworth filter
order = 4;
curveFlt = lowpassFilter(time,curve,order,fCutoff,0);

% B-spline fit original curve
[curveSpl,~,~] = BsplineFit(time,curve,splineDegree,nNodes);

% Plot original, Fourier+linear, B-spline, and filtered curves
title(sprintf('Curve %d', i))
hold on

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