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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% Generates the matrices necessary to create a B-spline curve and its
% first and second time derivative given the B-spline degree, number of
% nodes, number of output time frames, and sampling interval.
% (double, double, double, double)
% -> (Array of double, Array of double, Array of double)
% Generates B-spline matrices to represent data and two derivatives.

function [N_matrix, Np_matrix, Npp_matrix] = BSplineMatrices(Degree, Nodes, Frames, Interval)
% Check to see which input arguments should be set to default values.
if nargin ~= 4
fprintf('Error in function BSplineMatrices: Too few input arguments.\n')
N_matrix = [];
Np_matrix = [];
Npp_matrix = [];

% Increase number of time frames by 4 to pad front and back by 2 time
% frames each as needed to produce accurate first and second derivative
% results.
Frames = Frames+4;

% Define time vector for chosen number of time frames.
XTrue = linspace(0, (Interval)*(Frames-1), Frames)';

% Create input control points.
XIn = linspace(0, (Interval)*(Frames-1), Nodes)';

% Define the number of control points.
numberPoints = size(XIn, 1);

% Check if the degree of the curve is greater than number of control points
% minus one.
if Degree > (numberPoints-1)
error(sprintf('Error: the maximum degree of the B-spline cannot exceed %d', numberPoints-1));

% Define the parameters n (allowing indices to start at zero for n+1
% control points) and d (controlling degree of polynomial in u and curve
% continuity).
n = numberPoints - 1;
d = Degree + 1;

% Define parametric knots (or knot values) Uj for open curve B-spline,
% which relate the parametric variable u to the Pj control points.
for tempJ = 1:(n + d + 1)
j = tempJ - 1;
if j < d
Uj(tempJ) = 0;
elseif j >= d & j <= n
Uj(tempJ) = j - d + 1;
elseif j > n
Uj(tempJ) = n - d + 2;

Ujmax = max(Uj);
tf = XTrue(end,1);
Uj = Uj * (tf/Ujmax);

% Define the range of the parametric variable u.
umax = n - d + 2;
u_range = 0:(umax/(Frames-1)):umax;

u_range = u_range * (tf/umax);
umax = tf;

% Allocate memory for the B-spline basis blending functions N (a weighting
% function).
N = zeros(1, (n + d));

% Instantiate the N matrix for the shape functions.
N_matrix = [];

% Loop through the entire range of the parametric variable u.
for u = u_range

% Loop through each normalized polynomial degree in u.
for k = 1:d

% Check if the normalized polynomial degree in u is equal to one.
if k == 1

% Loop through each parametric knot (or knot values).
tol = 1e-12; % Original default was 1e-8

for i = 1:numberPoints

% Calculate the first order basis functions.
if (u >= Uj(i)) & (u < Uj(i+1))
N(i) = 1;
elseif (abs(u - umax) < tol) & (abs(u - Uj(i) - (tf/Ujmax)) < tol) & (u - Uj(i+1) <= tol),
N(i) = 1;
N(i) = 0;

end % End loop through each parametric knot (or knot values).

% Otherwise if the normalized polynomial degree in u is not equal
% to one.

% Loop through each parametric knot (or knot values).
for i = 1:numberPoints

% Calculate the higher order basis functions.
if ((Uj(i+k-1) - Uj(i)) == 0) & ((Uj(i+k) - Uj(i+1)) == 0)
N(i) = 0;
elseif ((Uj(i+k-1) - Uj(i)) == 0) & ((Uj(i+k) - Uj(i+1)) ~= 0)
N(i) = ((Uj(i+k) - u)*N(i+1)) / (Uj(k+i) - Uj(i+1));
elseif ((Uj(i+k-1) - Uj(i)) ~= 0) & ((Uj(i+k) - Uj(i+1)) == 0)
N(i) = ((u - Uj(i))*N(i)) / (Uj(i+k-1) - Uj(i));
N(i) = ((u - Uj(i))*N(i) / (Uj(i+k-1) - Uj(i))) + ((Uj(i+k) - u)*N(i+1) / (Uj(k+i) - Uj(i+1)));

end % End loop through each parametric knot (or knot values).

end % End check if the normalized polynomial degree in u is equal to one or not.

end % End of for loop through each polynomial degree in u.

% Compile all time frames of the shape functions.
N_matrix = [N_matrix; N(1, 1:numberPoints)];

end % End of for loop through the entire range of the parametric variable u.

% Compute first derivative matrix and output points.
% [Fx, Np_matrix] = gradient(N_matrix, XTrue, XTrue);
[Fx, Np_matrix] = gradient(N_matrix, Interval, Interval);

% Compute second derivative matrix and output points.
% [Fxx, Npp_matrix] = gradient(Np_matrix, XTrue, XTrue);
[Fxx, Npp_matrix] = gradient(Np_matrix, Interval, Interval);

% Note that given node values stored in column matrix YNodes,
% corresponding output points Y and their first and second derivatives
% Yp and Ypp, respectively, are calculated easily as follows:
% Y = N_matrix*YNodes;
% Yp = Np_matrix*YNodes;
% Ypp = Npp_matrix*YNodes;

% Trim first and last two rows off N, Np, and Npp matrices so that these
% matrices will calculate output points only over the desired time range.
N_matrix = N_matrix(3:Frames-2,:);
Np_matrix = Np_matrix(3:Frames-2,:);
Npp_matrix = Npp_matrix(3:Frames-2,:);

% Save N matrix and its first and second derivatives for future
% applications.
% save(['N_order' num2str(Degree) '_nodes' num2str(Nodes) '_points' num2str(Frames) '_matrix.txt'], 'N_matrix', '-ascii', '-double')
% save(['Np_order' num2str(Degree) '_nodes' num2str(Nodes) '_points' num2str(Frames) '_matrix.txt'], 'Np_matrix', '-ascii', '-double')
% save(['Npp_order' num2str(Degree) '_nodes' num2str(Nodes) '_points' num2str(Frames) '_matrix.txt'], 'Npp_matrix', '-ascii', '-double')