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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function cuts the data files into the sections outlined with the
% number of frames indicated
% Inputs -
% prefix - string name of trial
% fileName - string path of file
% timePairs - 2D array of size N x 2
% (string, string, string, string) -> (None)
% Makes new EMG data files with columns matching the file given

function sectionDataFiles(fileNames, timePairs, numRows, prefix)
import org.opensim.modeling.Storage
for i=1:length(fileNames)
storage = Storage(fileNames(i));
data = storageToDoubleMatrix(storage);
time = findTimeColumn(storage);
columnNames = getStorageColumnNames(storage);
for j=1:size(timePairs, 1)
[filepath, name, ext] = fileparts(fileNames(i));
[newData, newTime] = cutData(data, time, timePairs(j,1), ...
timePairs(j,2), numRows);
newFileName = insertAfter(name, prefix, "_" + num2str(j));
writeToSto(columnNames, newTime, newData', fullfile(filepath, ...
newFileName + ext));

function [newData, newTime] = cutData(data, time, startTime, endTime, ...
newTime = linspace(startTime, endTime, numRows);
newData = spline(time, data, newTime);