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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function returns the vector of SynX variables (including both SynX
% and residual vector weights)
% data:
% nSynX - number of synergies - double
% nTrials - number of trials in total - double
% nSynXEMG - number of SynX EMG channels in total - double
% nMeasuredEMG - number of measured EMG channels in total - double
% nTasks - number of tasks - double
% SynXalgorithm - matrix factorization algorithm - 'PCA' or 'NMF'
% SynXCategory - variability of synergy vector weights across trials for
% SynX reconstruction
% ResiduakCategory - variability of synergy vector weights across
% trials for residual excitation reconstruction
% returns linear inequality constraints A and b for optimization using
% fmincon

function [synergyWeights, numberOfExtrapolationWeights, ...
numberOfResidualWeights] = getSynergyWeights(params, numberOfTrials, ...
numberOfMeasuredEmgChannels, numberOfUnmeasuredEmgChannels)

% Construct variable vector for SynX
extrapolationWeights = getSizeMatrix(params.synergyExtrapolationCategorization, ...
params.matrixFactorizationMethod, params.numberOfSynergies, ...
numberOfUnmeasuredEmgChannels, length(params.taskNames), numberOfTrials);
% Construct variable vector for residual excitations
residualWeights = getSizeMatrix(params.residualCategorization, ...
params.matrixFactorizationMethod, params.numberOfSynergies, ...
numberOfMeasuredEmgChannels, length(params.taskNames), numberOfTrials);
synergyWeights= [extrapolationWeights(:)', residualWeights(:)'];
numberOfExtrapolationWeights = numel(extrapolationWeights);
numberOfResidualWeights = numel(residualWeights);

function matrixPlaceholder = getSizeMatrix(catergorizationMethod, ...
factorizationMethod, numberOfSynergies, numberOfEmgChannels, ...
numberOfTasks, numberOfTrials)

if strcmpi(catergorizationMethod, 'subject')
matrixPlaceholder = createSizeMatrix( ...
factorizationMethod, numberOfSynergies, numberOfEmgChannels, ...
elseif strcmpi(catergorizationMethod, 'task')
matrixPlaceholder = createSizeMatrix( ...
factorizationMethod, numberOfSynergies, numberOfEmgChannels, ...
elseif strcmpi(catergorizationMethod, 'trial')
matrixPlaceholder = createSizeMatrix( ...
factorizationMethod, numberOfSynergies, numberOfEmgChannels, ...
function matrixPlaceholder = createSizeMatrix( ...
factorizationMethod, numberOfSynergies, numberOfEmgChannels, ...

if strcmpi(factorizationMethod, 'PCA')
matrixPlaceholder = zeros(numberOfSynergies + 1, ...
numberOfEmgChannels, sizeThirdDimension);
elseif strcmpi(factorizationMethod, 'NMF')
matrixPlaceholder = zeros(numberOfSynergies, ...
numberOfEmgChannels, sizeThirdDimension);