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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function calculates the shape difference between two curves. The
% purpose of this is to be used in a cost function that incentivises the
% optimized curve to closely match the original curve.
% (3D array of number, 3D array of number) -> (2D array of number)
% Calculates shape deviation

function shapeDeviations = calcShapeDeviations(optimizedCurves, ...

optimizedCurvesShapes = optimizedCurves - mean(mean(optimizedCurves, 1), 3);
originalCurvesShapes = originalCurves - mean(mean(originalCurves, 1), 3);
shapeDeviations = optimizedCurvesShapes - originalCurvesShapes;