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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function uses ground reaction forces calculated at each spring
% marker to calculate ground reaction moments about the midfoot superior
% marker projected onto the floor at the given state.
% (struct, struct, Array of double, Array of double, double)
% -> (double, double, double)
% Returns the modeled ground reaction moments at the given state.

function [xGrfMoment, yGrfMoment, zGrfMoment] = ...
calcModeledGroundReactionMoments(values, task, markerKinematics, ...
springForces, currentFrame)
xGrfMoment = 0;
yGrfMoment = 0;
zGrfMoment = 0;

for i = 1:length(values.springConstants)
xPosition = markerKinematics.xPosition(i);
zPosition = markerKinematics.zPosition(i);
force(1) = springForces(1, i);
force(2) = springForces(2, i);
force(3) = springForces(3, i);
% Project midfoot superior marker onto floor. For calculating moments,
% we assume rigid bodies do not intersect.
offset(1) = xPosition - task.midfootSuperiorPosition(1, currentFrame);
offset(2) = 0;
offset(3) = zPosition - task.midfootSuperiorPosition(3, currentFrame);

moments = cross(offset, force);
xGrfMoment = xGrfMoment + moments(1);
yGrfMoment = yGrfMoment + moments(2);
zGrfMoment = zGrfMoment + moments(3);