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% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% Adds spring markers to a foot model. This function determines where
% spring markers are needed and passes this information to
% addSpringsToModelAtLocations().
% (Model, struct, double, double, string, string, string, logical, struct)
% -> (Model)
% Add spring markers to isolated footModel.

function model = addSpringsToModel(model, markerNames, gridWidth, ...
gridHeight, hindfootBodyName, toesBodyName, toesJointName, ...
isLeftFoot, meanMarkerLocations)
points = makeNormalizedGrid(gridWidth, gridHeight, isLeftFoot);
[insidePoints, ~] = splitNormalizedGridPoints(points, isLeftFoot);

% Mean marker locations were calculated by mirroring left foot markers.
% As mean marker locations are for a right foot, the marker Z positions
% must be mirrored.
if isLeftFoot
for marker = 1:length(fieldnames(meanMarkerLocations))
fieldNames = fieldnames(meanMarkerLocations);
currentMarker = meanMarkerLocations.(fieldNames{marker});
currentMarker(2) = -1 * currentMarker(2);
meanMarkerLocations.(fieldNames{marker}) = currentMarker;

markerPositions = rotateMarkersToeToHeelVertical(meanMarkerLocations);
theta = findTheta(model, hindfootBodyName, toesBodyName, markerNames);
normalizedMarkerPositions = removeNormalizedMarkerOffsets( ...
model = addSpringsToModelAtLocations(model, markerPositions, ...
normalizedMarkerPositions, insidePoints, toesJointName, ...
hindfootBodyName, toesBodyName, markerNames.heel, isLeftFoot, theta);

function theta = findTheta(model, hindfootBodyName, toesBodyName, markerNames)

[model, state] = Model(model);
calcnVec3 = model.getBodySet().get(hindfootBodyName) ...
toesVec3 = model.getBodySet().get(toesBodyName) ...
heelVec3 = model.getMarkerSet().get(markerNames.heel) ...
toeVec3 = model.getMarkerSet().get(markerNames.toe) ...

start = [heelVec3.get(0), heelVec3.get(2)];
finish = [toeVec3.get(0), toeVec3.get(2)];

newFinish = [];
newFinish(1) = finish(1) + toesVec3.get(0) - calcnVec3.get(0);
newFinish(2) = finish(2) + toesVec3.get(2) - calcnVec3.get(2);
difference = newFinish - start;

theta = solveForTheta2DRotationMatrix(difference(1), difference(2), 1, 0);


function theta = solveForTheta2DRotationMatrix(initialX, initialY, ...
finalX, finalY)
rotationAngles = asin(cross([finalX finalY 0], [initialX initialY 0]) / ...
(norm([initialX initialY]) * norm([finalX finalY])));
theta = rotationAngles(3);