% This function is part of the NMSM Pipeline, see file for full license.
% This function returns an array of names of coordinates that connect the
% ground to the contact bodies. These coordinates all will be modeled in
% the kinematic model for GCP.
% (Model, Array of string) -> (Array of string)
% Create an array of coordinate names connecting the bodies to ground
function coordinatesOfInterest = findGCPFreeCoordinates(model, ...
model = Model(model);
bodyStructure = makeBodyTree(model);
bodiesOfInterest = string([]);
for i=1:length(contactBodies)
[~, path] = getFieldByName(bodyStructure, contactBodies(i));
bodiesOfInterest = unique([bodiesOfInterest, string(path)]);
coordinatesOfInterest = getCoordinatesFromBodies(model, bodiesOfInterest);